Succubus (eBook VI)

For other uses of the word Succubus, see Succubus (disambiguation).

Succubus eBook Cover, written by Grant James Turner
Succubus eBook Cover, written by Grant James Turner
Author(s) Grant James Turner
Publisher Amazon Digital Services
Publication date May 21, 2013
Media type eBook
Length 16 Pages

Succubus is an eBook written by Grant James Turner. In this work one of the main characters is a Succubus.


  • Title: Succubus
  • Author: Grant James Turner
  • Published By: Amazon Digital Services
  • Length: 16 Pages
  • Format: eBook
  • ASIN: B00CXY0O2U
  • Publishing Date: May 21, 2013

Plot Summary

The Beginning.

Everybody has a life-time, even a demon. The only difference is this demon knows that its time is nigh, that is why she hunts. She hunts for the perfect specimen.

Will Gabe manage to escape the temptress or will the Succubus claim her prize?

Book Review

The following review was originally published on Tera's Blog, A Succubi's Tale on October 3, 2014

The Succubus in this work, from the first moment, is nothing like what one might expect from the more modern and common description of them. She is more of the stereotypical demonic being of darkness who uses their power of illusion to overcome and control their prey.

The mood, setting, and characterization are all placed firmly into the more darker side of the world. This is well done and does set a mood that is unmistakable and constant.

The problem comes in that there are a glaring number of spelling and grammar mistakes in the work that take away from the story and draw you out of it frequently. The other thing that made me take pause was the use of bold text in several chapters when the Succubus was the focus of the story. I’m not sure that works overall to help in the story and it was distracting to me at least.

There are erotic moments in the story and when the Succubus’ true form is revealed the difference is jarring and quite horrific really, which was the point I believe. But again the occasional mistake distracts from the story. The writer would have been well served to have an editor take a pass at their work if for no other reason than to correct those errors and make for a better read.

Two and a half out of five pitchforks.

I don’t mind works of horror, erotic or otherwise. I do mind them not being as well structured as they might have otherwise been…

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